All images on this page ©1999 Paramount Pictures.
Please do not re-post, re-publish or link to these pictures directly .
Sleepy Hollow
Drawings & design for the Ichabod Crane Journal.
In 1999 I was invited to work on the sketchbook/journal seen in the film Sleepy Hollow. After seeing a rough cut of the
film with director Tim Burton, I tried to "method draw" the journal drawings by "channeling" Ichabod Crane's
inventions & emotions, to provide a window into his psyche. This was the first time I'd ever been asked to draw "in
At first I worked directly with Tim Burton. Later I worked with production designer Rick Heinrichs on the page layout
& design, always trying to keep it realistically personal within an art historical / period aesthetic.

Crime scene 1
Crime scene 2
Katrina infatuation
Katrina witch

Detail skull
Town elders list
click here to play video

All images on this page ©1999 Paramount Pictures.